Good management determines the effectiveness of your staff. That’s why it’s so important for your supervisory team to communicate well. A manager logbook guarantees that your staff has all the most up-to-date information no matter who’s on shift.
For maximum effectiveness, train them to use the manager logbook every day. What goes in there is up to you. Details about customers, employees, problems that occurred or exceptional behavior all make great additions because it tells you who to look at when it’s time to determine raises or employee evaluations.

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Point of Sale: The Right Manager Logbook?
Although you could use handwritten notes, daily meetings or a physical booklet, digitization makes sense. Smart Point of Sales work online so you never risk losing pages or illegible handwriting. Meanwhile, it’s also easy to transfer information between shifts.
Track the workforce and see who’s often late, sick or hardest-working. Also determine who most often gives discounts, voids purchases or experiences issues with the check. With a manager logbook, staff members with the right permissions can investigate and go over discrepancies to solve any problems that arise. And it’s not just for workforce management, either. Supervisory staff can…
track exceptionally good and bad customer experiences. From there, they might reach out and try to ease their concerns about future visits, or thank them for their continued patronage.
understand how weather affects scheduling and seating. With eatOS Point of Sale, run automated sales reports to analyze the effect of different seasons on traffic and performance.
share necessary information between shifts. For example, if you run out of fish one day during a rush, the morning manager can reorder ASAP.
keep track of updates and repairs. If the ice machine breaks, the next shift needs to know immediately.
The key to a successful business lies in good communication. Digitize the manager logbook, then use it frequently, so that it’s more open, honest and easy to understand.
How to Apply the System to Restaurant Staff
Now management has the tools for better workforce management, they can start to transition into the new restaurant system. It’s good to introduce it openly to your team so they know it’s not a crackdown on them; instead, these systems should make their jobs easier and more efficient at the same time.
This type of open-book management style promotes better job satisfaction amongst employees. When they know your expectations, they don’t have to overthink their job security and can instead focus on better performance. Knowing what to expect from their shifts lets them mentally prepare so each day runs more smoothly. A manager logbook doesn’t just help you keep track of what goes on in the restaurant, it gives influence over daily operations and streamlines service for a better overall experience, for customers and staff alike.