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Point of Sale: The New, Modern Register

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

Long gone are the days when cash transactions reigned supreme, and the register did little more than calculate change and store dollar bills. They’re big, clunky, slow machines that don’t represent the modern small business or consumer needs.

Why not get a sleeker, faster, and more capable device that can still ring sales and hold money but also has other benefits to upgrade your business and bring it into the realities of today? Spend less on labor and shorten the line upfront when you trade your traditional cash register for a state-of-the-art, modern Point of Sale system.

Point of Sale

Point of Sale: The New, Modern Register

Point of Sale Systems

The modern PoS simplifies and optimizes every aspect of your business operations. Consider what we offer at eatOS: Our Point of Sale works like no other, so you save more, make more, and get more out of it. Show your customers that you care about their satisfaction and strengthen the relationships within your workplace. From the first employee of the day to clock into the last credit card swiped by guests, every restaurant management aspect is more comfortable, quicker, and more satisfying when run by eatOS.

What else does eatOS empower?

  1. Inventory management minimizes your manual data input, thus freeing up workers to tackle other business areas—like improving customer service, which can never go underdeveloped. Tracking inventory also lets you streamline, adjusting how much you stock up if you’re always throwing away expired goods or running out of best-selling dishes. Automatically calculating the associated expenses and profits also paves the way for better decision-making.

  2. Greater accuracy along all the lines of communication so there are fewer errors with the food that arrives in front of the guests. This reduces comps, voids, and added wait times, which your patrons will appreciate.

  3. Payment processing done right. The safety and security of your customers should be the top priority at all times. eatOS tableside tablets process payments right at the table so parties don’t have to wait for their check. Payment methods are always in sight of the owner. We process various methods like swipe, tap, and near-field communication payments, all EMV-enabled to protect customers’ data.

  4. Mobile ordering gives staff the flexibility to take orders on-the-go from tablets and spend more time with the customers making their experience better. Meanwhile, guests ordering from their smartphones can customize their orders to their exact specifications, improving their satisfaction and garnering you higher checks on average.

  5. Expanded sales channels that branch out from dine-in services. Get online ordering platforms and a branded merchant app we personalize for your particular business. Then eatOS connects all the sales channels onto one server and generates reliable, real-time reports using all that data. This lets you make better business decisions.

  6. Remote access capabilities. eatOS is cloud-based to remotely store data so you can access the server from anywhere with the internet. This enables multi-location management, making it easier to run two venues simultaneously and view and compare sales data from both, side by side.

  7. Customer relationship management tools to gather critical information like contact information, order history and more. Building customer profiles saves their data for future use, so not only can they quickly reorder favorite meals when they return, but you can track their preferences to create targeted marketing campaigns tailored to your core audience’s needs.

Down to the smallest details, eatOS has got you covered. Even receipt printing goes smoother with us: Our heat-durable kitchen printers are loud enough to cut through the kitchen’s bustle and print in different colors to highlight specific parts of the ticket. Meanwhile, the front-of-house enjoys faster printing, so customers don’t have to wait too long, and both work ink-free, so you spend less money, and it’s better for the environment, too. Our partnership with Star Micronics gives you access to restaurant-grade technology.

Making the change from traditional cash registers to Point of Sale systems like the one powered by eatOS will not only save you time and money but give your workers a chance to tackle projects better suited for their particular talents, allow you to strengthen customer relationships, enable better business decisions and more. All of these cutting-edge features work together to make your restaurant the most successful it can be. The future of foodservice starts with the modern Point of Sale.


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