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How to Start a Business Instagram

Updated: Jan 23, 2024

Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms right now. With 1.16B monthly users and over 25M business profiles, it’s a clearly valuable resource. The platform is uniquely equipped to show off your products and services. The more you engage with and follow back regulars, the more customers you’ll gain.

Regardless, the internet and marketplace are flooded with businesses, ads, and content. How can you create an Instagram profile that hooks people’s attention?


 An Instagram That’s All Business

The app offers specific features for company profiles that differ from what regular users can do. For example…

  1. link to your contact information, including email, phone number, and location.

  2. add a business category to your profile so prospective customers can easily see what type of establishment you run. It also helps them make sure they’re on the right page before they book or order.

  3. action buttons that let guests make a reservation or get delivery through your social media page. This not only affects engagement and conversion rates but connects customers directly to your website rather than going through third-party apps.

These business account features help your restaurant grow and engage with followers, old and new.

Building Your Restaurant Profile

When you’re creating your professional profile, incorporate the brand, logo, slogan, color schemes, and messaging the same as you do on your website and other ads. Keep your tone and messaging consistent with the way your customers have come to expect.

How and what you post matters too. A consistent posting schedule encourages Instagram’s algorithm to show you to more relevant pages. This also encourages engagement, views, and ultimately sales. You might have to experiment a bit to find out what times are best for posting. Refrain from doing it too often or too infrequently so as not to overburden their Instagram feeds with ads. Otherwise, they’re more likely to unfollow.

Creating and maintaining a content creation strategy isn’t easy, but it’s vital. Analyze the market to find your key demographic and who visits your establishment the most, so you can begin to carve out your niche. It can help to create a buyer persona that narrows down your target market. Your Instagram profile strategy should span long-term, with specific goals to mark progress and guide your overall content marketing toward continuous growth. Making SMART goals helps you track your KPI to stay on track.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Start Your Restaurant Instagram

The more you learn about your followers’ habits and preferences, the more you can tailor your posting strategy for what they want to see. This increases the likelihood that they will respond, react or engage with your content. Then, connect even deeper to strengthen your customer relationships and expand your network. Keep up with the latest news and trends, and even inform your Instagram strategy going forward when you know the marketplace better.

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