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Food Trucks Need Better Point of Sales

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Food trucks have stuck around through this pandemic, even if they’ve gotten a few less visitors. Since they rely on foot traffic, they have suffered during COVID-19. However, they also have the benefit of being all about takeout. While many restaurants had to convert their focus to off-premise channels, food trucks were already there.

Now as vaccinations roll out and foot traffic starts to pick back up, their customer bases will grow too. Food trucks need to upgrade their Point of Sale systems to handle the new business coming their way.

Point of Sales

Point of Sales for Food Trucks

When things get busy, you’ll need organization and automatic analysis to effortlessly manage and grow your business. Smart POS systems not only come equipped to handle (and streamline) your operations, you can also get mobile tablets to avoid a full POS setup in such a small space.

With inventory and menu management, smart Point of Sales help manage food trucks more effectively. Automated sales reports tell you when and where to do business to generate the most profit. This especially matters if you move around during the week or manage multiple food trucks at once. eatOS offers multi-location reporting so you can compare data between different food trucks and make adjustments.

Smarter Ordering System

Online ordering has become a major trend during COVID-19. Even food trucks benefit from order ahead technology that reduce lines, improve wait times and make for happier guests overall. eatOS gives your business a branded merchant app, free when you sign up. It provides a more accurate time estimate for when the food will be ready, and generally makes pickup or takeout simple.

Queue ordering helps your workers keep track of the line so everyone gets their food quickly, especially during a crowd. It’s important to give all of your customers an equally positive, efficient experience.

Faster Transactions

Payment may be one of the least pleasant parts of dining out, but it doesn’t have to be prolonged or painful. eatOS can handle a variety of payment methods like cash, credit cards and mobile payments. Effective, touch-free payments have gotten more popular. Digitizing one of the least pleasant parts of food service can win you customers for life.

Rather than wasting paper and taking up space with printers, use digital signatures and email receipts. Even tipping has gone virtual, which is easier on both customers and workers. We automatically generate tip suggestions to put more money in your workers’ pockets on average. Not only that, but eatOS Point of Sale processes gift cards, discounts and applies any loyalty points they’ve accrued. However your customers want to pay, we make it easy.

Manage Food Trucks Better

Most importantly, smart Point of Sale systems improve your relationship with guests. Integrate loyalty programs that not only collect customer data to tell you about their preferences, but also convince them to return to you next time they want to pick up dinner.

eatOS also has superior workforce management features, so you can set permissions and make special employee profiles with their time off requests, vacation days and more. The improved sales analysis you get with smart Point of Sale systems, given that you can track who sells the most, is just as important for food trucks as it is for brick-and-mortar restaurants.

Better Point of Sales

As the food service industry begins to move past the COVID-19 pandemic, food trucks need to upgrade their technology so they’re ready to meet the new market of digitally-savvy diners. 


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